Sunday, July 8, 2007

Seriously Sunday


Since we only got part of the shopping done yesterday I am waiting for Mom to get up so we can finish today. We did the regular shopping here in town and did church yesterday. I also updated my website with a half dozen new pictures and another close to a dozen photographs. Today we head off for the more fun stuff.

While waiting for Mom to get up I perused the news on line. AOL has revamped their news to give people the chance to write about the news stories they read. They shouldn't have bothered. After reading some of the idiotic comments today I've come to the conclusion that most of the posters on AOL are blithering idiots who like making fools out of themselves.

I read the article on the concerts to promote awareness of the environment. The comments were so outrageous and dumb that I couldn't believe anyone could be that stupid! Comments on going out to buy a gas guzzling truck, and wanting to pollute as much as possible since they weren't going to be here in 100 years, and farting along with the cows, etc. Why do people think that being able to use an anonymous handle gives them the right to be foul mouthed and idiots? They parade their most outrageous and prejudiced ideas and think that absolves them of the responsibility to act like a decent human because they can post anonymously. It still makes you a jerk.

I am noticing more and more anti-religious remarks being made in newsgroups that aren't even on that topic. The newsgroups have gone from being places to discuss topics of mutual interest to foul mouthed rants and bigotry. No one seems to care about common decency. It is making it hard to find any place that is worth reading any more.

The picture is called Earth Day and it is a reminder that we have a beautiful home but we need to take care of it. It is the only home we have.

The real counter is 5582.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think those were bad, try reading the comments in their sports blogs area.

That said, you get the audience you cater to.  If your commentators are babbling drooling morons, what does that say about the content to which they're reacting?