Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sultry Sunday

It has been warm and humid with threats of thunderstorms coming in. Definitely not my favorite weather. One of the major problems with weather like this is that it freaks the cats out and I get very little sleep between the two of them. Merlin especially is a big baby.

I got the shopping done today for Mom and myself. Other then that it has pretty much been a slow Sunday with not a whole lot going on.

I did get everything copied to file a complaint against the hospital for charging for services that were never performed. It is absolutely ridiculous that they expect me to pay $60.00 for a doctor who stood three feet away, never looked at the injuries, prescribed a pain medicine when no pharmacies were open, and when told I was worried about one of the puncture wounds replied "oh it is probably infected" and walked out. Can we say Medical Malpractice? Yes we can!

I have been playing Myst like crazy and having a ball. I am having to look at some of the hints usually after the third or fourth dozen time I've been at the same place. Getting dizzy going around in circles. I have been able to figure out a good deal by myself though which makes me happy.

Another thing that makes me happy is my new picture. It is called Sailing Into the Sunset. I love the ocean and would really rather be by the seashore then landlocked where I am at. My ideal place would be mountains and a seashore since I love them both.

The real counter is 5737.

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