Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th


"Slow down and the thing you are chasing will come around and catch you." Zen saying

It is funny how much is made about Friday the 13th. One of my favorite cats, Sasha, was born on a Friday the 13th. So for me the day is a memory of a joyous pet. I don’t tend to be real superstitious any way. It was a typical Friday for me, over worked and under paid. ;-) So unless the television goes on the fritz before I can see Doctor Who tonight it will be a good day.

I have made it through a whole week on my new position and I did a vast majority of the posting for the last two days. It looks like I am doing real good with the new job and the lady who is training me is very pleased. Now if I can get people to stop trying to dump the old responsibilities on me as well. I don't have time to do two full time jobs.

I like the Zen saying for today. I think too often we rush around and try and pursue things and goals and we don't take enough time for ourselves. I know sometimes I feel frantic with lists of things to do. It is going to be a busy weekend because I need to get a couple of things done before my brother leaves to go see my niece and her children. I need to get a cloak made for my nephew. I also need to get the upstairs bathroom cleaned before my other brother comes for a visit. My Mom wants to try and get the new tile for the bathroom floor tomorrow too. It will be a busy weekend.

I plan to take a couple of days off next week when my brother visits. I want him to show me how he uses a couple of new programs that will give me some new figures to use in my art programs. My Mom is taking vacation too so that will be nice.

I am trying to stay more calm then I have been lately. The weather is a little cooler so I do feel like walking. In spite of the hot weather there are still some beautiful flowers out there that I haven't seen before.

The real counter is 5621.


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