Saturday, July 21, 2007



"If ordinary people know, they are sages; if sages understand, they are ordinary people." Wumen

Well the drama of the last couple of days is over. The phone line problems were caused by a squirrel chewing through the wire which is why we have been without phone service for a couple of days. Dumb squirrel.

My brother got the computer he made up and running however I am going to be going with two computers now. I bought a monitor for the new one and it will be a great machine to do art on. However, you knew there would be a however didn't you? The new machine can not run the art program I use to make touch ups and I haven't been able to get the program my brother brought registered for me to use. So I will bring the art from the new machine to the old and touch it up there. I also found that the games my brother brought won't play on the new machine so I will play them on the old.

The whole situation however does tie in nicely with today's quote. People who are perceived to have power need to realize that the common man also has the seeds of greatness and power in him. All men are important. Men who use and abuse power and let it go to their heads are heading for a fall. Regular people are just as important as the powerful and in some cases even more so. My powerful machine can create the pictures however my less powerful one needs to finish them up. The big and small working together.

In my stories my lead character Sean is physically a very large man. He is strong and resourceful and a warrior. He has a tiny twin sister named Kira who is a Healer. She may not be a strong warrior however she can heal her brother when he gets hurt. We each have talents that benefit others and even the strong need the smaller to help them along because even a pawn can checkmate a king.

The picture is called Twins and shows Sean and Kira at the Rainbow Castle looking out towards the twin moons of Luna and Selene.

The real counter is 5668.

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