Saturday, July 14, 2007

So It's Saturday


"All things are linked together through cause and effect. There is no such thing as an accident." Swami Prajnanpad

I've been trying to get things done before my brother comes on Tuesday. I got most of the upstairs cleaned up. My older brother has promised to do the bathroom tomorrow. Since he messed it up I feel it is only fair to have him clean it up. That way tomorrow I can concentrate on getting my nephew's cloak done.

The only other thing I need to do in the next couple of days is back up the new stuff on my current computer so that my brother can install the new computer when he gets here. He is going to try and copy my hard drive over from the current computer but I should still back everything up. Monday my Mom is going to get my car over to our repairman and see if he can find the air conditioner leak. It is getting too hot to not have a working air conditioner.

My Mom is at work and I wish she wasn't. She is having more and more heart problems and I really worry about her. There is too much stress at that place. I'm hoping I can convince her to quit all together soon. She really doesn't need to work and could easily live off her investments from the money her brother left her. She has all the major things done to the house that needed to be done. The only major thing left is replacing the bathroom floor and that won't cost her all that much.

I geeked out last night and watched Doctor Who. It was a kick of an episode and he went back in time and met William Shakespeare. It was a great episode. It cracked me up when I found out that David Tennant who plays the Doctor is also a geek who always loved the show. That means two of my favorite shows are starring geeks, Doctor Who and Heroes with Masi Oka. It is nice to see two of our own become famous.

It isn't easy being different and sometimes you wonder if it is worth it being true to yourself. The answer is that in the long run yes it is. You may never be in with the in crowd but you do find fellow geeks along the way and have fun. Of course you will find that most people don't understand you but that is all right. They are mundanes. ;-)

In honor of one of my favorite shows and because it is really hot the picture is called At the Beach.

The real counter is 5625

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