Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Oh Really?

"Be kind and gentle to your children, both in private and in public." The Upanishads

"To generate true love, you need to know how it differs from attachment." Dalai Lama

The person who was complaining about Harry Potter being evil because kids dressed up in costumes at the book selling had a new complaint today. She was highly offended that a celebrity version of Wheel of Fortune had someone donating money to stop gay teenage boys from committing suicide. Her contention was that people choose to be gay and that it is a sin.

Yeah right people really choose to be a part of a minority that is reviled, hated, spit upon, discriminated against, and often killed because of what they are. Sure. This woman calls herself a Christian? Did she miss the lesson from Christ about loving your neighbor?

I have a real problem with bigots of any kind using the word “sin.” Maybe they should take the mote out of their own eye before they start preaching. As far as I'm concerned the biggest sin of all is hating your fellow man for any reason whether it is race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, politics, or whatever. If we are all made in God's image then all of us, no matter what, has God in them and when you hate a person for whatever reason you hate God. Remember Christ said “love thy neighbor as thyself” and he put no qualifiers on it.

The complainer didn't give the name of the celebrity who wanted to help prevent teenage suicides but whoever you are thank you for caring. It is hard enough being a teenager without having to face the fact that you are different from others by being gay. Teenage suicide is a very tragic thing and anything that can be done to stop it is worthwhile. I wonder if this person would feel different if her own son were gay or would she be one of those people who turns their own child out into the cold because of something they have no control over?

I have had many gay friends over the years and I treasure their friendship. They have been some of the most decent people I have ever met and in many ways were better Christians then the so called Christians spewing out hatred. Love thy neighbor as thyself are words to live by.

The picture is called Guardian of Childhood and may all children be safe and loved regardless of their sexual orientation.

The real counter is 5754.

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