Monday, July 16, 2007

Murky Monday

"Fundamentally the marksman aims at himself." Zen and the Art of Archery

"We must recognize that all beings want the same thing that we want. This is the way to achieve a true understanding, unfettered by artificial consideration." Dalai Lama

Sometimes it is real hard not to just scream at my older brother. I have been after him to get his own cell phone so Mom isn't deprived of hers when he goes to visit his daughter and grandchildren in North Carolina. You got it after promising he would he has reneged on his promise and he is taking Mom's phone. Mom is letting him because she will be off and doesn't need it. Of course it is the only way she can get hold of me since I have a long distance number on my cell phone so she will be stuck if I am out and an emergency comes up. Of course I will let her use my phone to call her sister. I don't mind lending her mine any time she needs it.

My brother spends literally hundreds of dollars a month on beauty products. He is talking about getting broadband for his DSL at more expense. He is so vain! You know Carly Simon's song "You're So Vain" it is about my brother. He can get everything for himself but can't get his own cell phone even though it deprives his own mother of a safety net. Both Mom and I should have a cell phone with us at all times, Mom because of her heart and me because of my COPD. I'll make sure Mom has mine next week if she works so at least she has a way to call me at home if she has an emergency.

Selfishness and self centeredness really bother me. My ex was that way and I have learned to really despise it. My brother has good points but his vanity and selfishness makes it hard to see the good points. He cleaned the bathroom good last night and wants continuous praise for it ignoring the fact that he is the one that messed the bathroom up in the first place.

When you do something for someone you should do it because you want to help them out. You shouldn't do it because you want to be praised. Giving of yourself should be without ego. You should do it for others and not for praise. You should strive to be selfless not selfish.

The picture is called Guardian of the Fire because I am flaming mad at the moment.

The real counter is 5637.

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