Monday, June 11, 2007

Ah Man Monday Again!


After getting the shopping done yesterday I proceeded to sleep most of the rest of the day. The sinus infection has gone into the inner ears making me bounce off of walls etc. Mainly it is making me sleepy.

I am really enjoying my new Prisoner group. The people there are so nice and we are having some fun conversations. They are polite even if they disagree with another person. The good manners are so refreshing over what you see on other parts of the web. I don't know why people seem to think it is alright to be so nasty on newsgroups. The plain mean spiritedness of some people just blows my mind.

We got talking about old television shows and how most of the time when you revisit them they are so disappointing. There are really few shows that stand the test of time. One I had mentioned was the old Rod Serling Twilight Zone. The outcome was someone asking me to do some Twilight Zone themed pictures. This picture Twilight Zone #6 was the result.

I am fascinated by symbols and dream symbolism and went all out on this picture combing the best of both shows. The original opening of the Twilight Zone had Rod Serling standing in front of a desert road that took off into the stars. Two of the symbols that floated by were clocks and windows so I incorporated both into the picture.

The road has become a railroad track symbolizing technology. Whereas anyone can really use a road a railroad track is specifically made for the trains and technology. I took the penny farthing bicycle which is used in ThePrisoner and put it on the tracks. The bike is a throwback to simpler times but in trying to use the technology the tracks has damaged the rear wheel.

The window was used in The Twilight Zone to symbolize looking into another reality or dimension or even into the soul. The road leads straight to the window and of course to Rover the enforcer of the Prisoner.

Hanging over their head is another symbol of authority and that is the stop light. The stop light is mechanically run and rules whether we can stop or go in our cars. We voluntarily agree to observe its authority. However sitting on the stop light is an ape a symbol of man's primitive nature. The ape show our independent nature and hearkens back to the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest. It is man at his most independent.

In the Prisoner when out hero was out into the woods and nature he discovered that the statues had "eyes" and were used to spy on the villagers. In this picture even nature has eyes as shown by the cactus. Everything is watching.

The clock is distorted because in dreams time is distorted. This particular clock however is an alarm clock and symbolizes the hopes of the dreamer that it will go off and wake him from his nightmare.

The real counter is 5904.

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