Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday Go Round the Mulberry Bush


"Quiet the outgoing mental restlessness and turn the mind within. Then you will see the underlying harmony in your life and in all nature." Paramahansa Yogananda

"Helping others is not limited to providing food, shelter, and so forth but includes relieving the basic causes of suffering and providing the basic causes of happiness." Dalai Lama

Two beautiful thoughts to start out a new week. We had rain most of the weekend so it was the type of weekend where you stay home and can do some thinking. I did a new picture called After the Rain and notice who is splashing in the water puddles and who is keeping his feet dry. ;-)

I read before going to bed each night and I enjoy a magazine called Women's World because it does have uplifting stories in it and some good recipes and cute cake decorating ideas. I've noticed lately that they have a had a couple of articles on meditation as a way of relieving stress. It is something that I discovered many years ago and at night I will meditate and do deep relaxing exercises. It is when I am at my most calm that the creative ideas come to me as far as my art and writing go.

The Dalai Lama quote reminded me of last night with my mother. My brother had been rude enough to mention to her that I had a better way with Rascal then she did. It is something mother has acknowledged but still it is something she is a bit sensitive about. Rascal is the more hyper of the two kittens and he was the one on the first night that we started taking them in that I held. I have had cats continuously for almost 40 years and know what to do with frightened kittens. Mom is very gentle but she isn't as cat savvy as I am but she is learning. The more mellow Marshmallow is perfect for her to hold.

It pointed out the importance of, as my Dad would say, of putting your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion. My brother wouldn't hurt my Mom for the world but tact isn't one of his strong points. Mom feels bad that Rascal isn't as forthcoming with her as he is with me and feels she is doing something wrong. She isn't of course and Rascal will come around to her.

So my hope for today is to try and remember to be a little more careful in what I say. By our words we can give happiness or we can hurt someone. Happiness is what we should be striving for.

The real counter is 5511.

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