Friday, June 15, 2007

Fumpy Friday

"Whenever there is a touch of color, a note of a song, grace in a form, this is a call to our love." Rabindranath Tagore

So Friday finally made it. It's about time. It sure took it long enough, almost as long as it took me to wake up this morning. I really didn't want to get up and even now I'm upright only because I have to be not by choice.

I'm a little frustrated with an art piece I'm working on. It just isn't coming out and I'm not sure what to do with it. The original idea is good the frustration is just trying to get the  computer to give me what I want. I’m after something unusual and it isn’t sure how to achieve what I need.

It is Geek Night on television. I hate to tell the people at Sci-Fi this but you are running out of time if you are going to get this Ori story finished up on Stargate SG-1. At least tonight's episode looks like it will further the story along a bit. Atlantis is finally bringing back the wraith now if they can get the focus off of McKay whom I can't stand I would be happier.

I'm hoping to walk some more tonight if I can get my blasted headache to go away. There are some new flowers in bloom that I would like to get some pictures of. Maybe being out in nature will give me an inspiration as to what to do with the picture.

Speaking of pictures I've been asked to take a crack at designing a stage over in my newsgroup. This brings together my theatre degree plus the art so it is exciting. We are speculating on how a stage production of the last two shows could be handled. An interesting challenge to be sure. It is gratifying however to be asked to be a part of the whole discussion. The acceptance and respect really feel good.

The real counter is 5434.

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