Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ghost Ship


"All beings are one even though they are not aware of this ... all come from one soul, and are part of the soul." The Upanishads

I have been thinking lately about death and how it comes to us all. What has prompted the thoughts is the frailness of my mother and the knowledge that I don't know how much longer we are going to have her. I have seen the deterioration over the two and a half years that I have been living with her. Also living in the same house with all of its reminders of my Dad I have been thinking of him and how much I miss him.

Knowing how much death affects those who remain behind I found myself more then a little outraged by the exchange between Elizabeth Edwards and Ann Coulter. Coulter's wish that John Edwards had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot is reprehensible. This is the same woman who blasts widows of men killed in 9/11 as enjoying their husband's deaths. The same woman who wished 9/11 had taken out the editors and writers of the New York Times.

Ann Coulter uses inflammatory language and sleazy photographs to build her reputation. She decries "godless" liberals yet wants innocent people dead. Somehow I doubt Ms. Coulter has any idea what a relationship with God is truly about. Certainly her grasp of the 10 commandments is shaky at best. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

There is a place in politics for debates on the issues but Ms. Coulter prefers to enhance her "reputation" as being controversial rather then showing any intelligent debating skills. I find the woman utterly and totally reprehensible. The bitterness, bigotry, and vileness that comes out of her mouth make her extremely ugly and all the peroxide, heavy makeup, and low cut miniskirts in the world will not change that.

As today's quote says we are all part of one soul. We are all part of the God that made us. Jesus told us that what you do unto the least of your brethren you do undo Him. Remember that Ms. Coulter. Your words are not only against politicians you despise they are against people that are made in God's image. Your words against them are words against Him. I'll keep you in my prayers.

The real counter is 5529.

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