Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Thunderstorm Tuesday


"Anger needs to be controlled, but not hidden from yourself." Dalai Lama

We had a tornado warning last night. Fortunately it was spotted in a different county and didn't come near us. It is disconcerting however to hear that siren go off. To say nothing of Merlin's mouth that starts from the minute I come home until I finally get him settled down for the night. He hates storms. Fortunately Pixie is better about them. She is too busy chasing bugs at the moment to worry about a storm.

Last night was another one of those nights where I had difficulty sleeping. Mom had been having chest pains and I was worried about her. Fortunately she has a couple more days off before she works for two days and then three more days off. I wish I could get her to quit completely. Hopefully now that the major repairs are done to the house I can convince her to quit completely. She is going on 81 and does not need to be working even part time.

My niece and I were talking last night. She is so happy now in her current marriage and she was saying how it hardly seems possible that she has been married almost a year to such a wonderful man. She had mentioned that at this point in her first marriage she had discovered that her first husband had been in prison for drugs and he was not a lawyer. She was stuck with no way to get back to her Dad and with a baby to care for. It is so wonderful to see her happy with a decent man who loves her and the children.

I keep hoping that the weather will clear up for a while so that I can get out and walk. It looks like thunderstorms for the rest of the week however. They should be less frequent by the weekend so maybe I can get mother out of the house. I am so worried about her. She has been so tired and weak lately and now with the chest pains. I wish I could do more for her. She had left a note this morning asking me to pick up her medicine if I have time after work. Of course I have the time. I would make the time if I had to. She is number one in my life. I'll do everything I can to take care of her for however much time God lets me have her. One of the reasons I want to walk is because she loves the pictures I take on my walks.

The real counter is 5354.

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