Saturday, June 2, 2007

Seriously Saturday


"Unfortunately, love and compassion have been omitted from too many spheres of social interaction for too long. Usually confined to family and home, their practice in public life is considered impractical, even naive. This is tragic." Dalai Lama

I was shocked last night when one of my favorite characters was killed off on Stargate Atlantis. I really liked the character because he was always so kind and decent. I'm not sure what the background story is in the real world but in the world of the show he will be sadly missed.

I started off my Saturday morning with two cats deciding that it was 6:30 AM and mommy should be up. Pixie decided that she really needed to be in my window in order to talk to the noisy birds outside. Unfortunately that entails jumping up on the bed and walking across me to get to the window. Sigh, I wish those two would learn to tell the days of the week so I could sleep in once in a while on the weekends.

I found today's quote by the Dalai Lama to be especially meaningful in my life. I have been called naive when I urged combatants on a newsgroup to drop the fight and make up. That it is better to forgive then continue petty feuds. I may be in the minority but I feel that there is no place in life for the kind of vicious posts that many people feel that the anonymity of the net gives them the right to post. I was brought up to show good manners and I don't think that the Internet should be any different then the way a person would behave if they were face to face with a person. People who hide behind false names on the net and use that to try and destroy another person with whom they disagree for any reason are cowards. I use my real name when I post. I have nothing to hide.

I finished up another picture last night. This is the other part of the sailor's quote. It is called Sailor's Warning."

The real counter is 5338.

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