Thursday, March 29, 2007

Listen to the Still

"Have much and be confused." Tao te Ching

That is sort of the state of my new computer. It has a lot on it but can't seem to find its CD drives which means of course I couldn't upload anything to it. Oh well I guess I'll just have to wait until my brother comes out in June and fixes his creation. In the meantime I'll continue using my old one. While I'm a bit disappointed I can wait until it is fixed right.

In a way it shows the difference between myself and my older brother. He would have pitched a major class fit because the thing didn't work. I have much more patience then he does. Rather then poking around inside of it and risk damaging something I don't really understand I can wait a couple of months and let the expert look at it. I could take it to the computer repair place in town but I'm not real impressed with the work they have done before so I'll wait.

Patience is a virtue. We have all heard that many times in our lives. All good things come to those who wait. Another proverb we have heard many times. If I have learned anything in the last few years it is patience. I have learned how to wait. I have come to appreciate the fact that rushing into things can lead to disaster like my marriage. I have cultivated patience and it is paying off. I am much more at peace with myself then I have ever been before.

One of the things I do occasionally is meditate. I take the time to listen to the still inside of me. In this hustle and bustle world of sensory overload it is important to sometimes get away and find the silence within. Meditation calms me especially at night when I trying to get to sleep. I focus on relaxing all the muscles and feel the tension flowing away. I work up to the mind and relax it and enjoy the calmness that flows all through me. Try it. It does make you feel a whole lot better and calmer.

The picture is called Paradise and you can reach it when you meditate.

The real counter is 4768

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