Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Power of Three

"In order to have genuine faith, you need to have one truth, one religion. But that does not mean you lose respect for those other traditions." Dalai Lama

In one of those moments of fate when I was in high school at the library they had just gotten a book on Japanese flower arranging. Well the cover was beautiful so on a lark I checked it out. One of the things that the book talked about was that traditional arrangements are done on three levels to symbolize heaven, earth and man. That stayed with me and to this day when I do my own art work I am aware of the power of three. For me the art canvas has three threes that need to be addressed. The first canvas is vertical and has left, middle and right. The second canvas in horizontal and has top, center and bottom. The third canvas is three dimensions on a two dimensional frame and has near, middle and distance or background. My most successful pictures address all of those areas.

One of the most stable configurations in nature is a triangle. A three legged stool will not tip over because the pressure on all three legs is the same. I learned that from a math class I was taking in order to go on and take some computer programming classes.

On of the cornerstones of the Christian religions is the Trinity in the form of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The three ages of man are child, adult and old age. In religions that believe in reincarnation there is birth, death and rebirth. The power of three.

I was thinking of three and how I do my art as I went through my pictures and decided what to put in my official portfolio. I needed to narrow down what I show in order to try and sell my work. As I am trying now to find an agent I want to be able to put my best work forth as examples. I ended up picking art that fit into one of seven categories based on the type of art I do and my strength in each. The catagories are space, alien worlds, fantasy, science fiction, landscapes, surreal, and Christmas. I wanted to show my versatility and make clear where my personal interests lie in the science fiction/fantasy genres. I now have the art and writings ready to go.

I decided to go with a science fiction category and display my works in the art of Stargate, Doctor Who and The Prisoner. I am including the pictures that were vilified by three jerks over on a newsgroup because their opinions mean nothing. My work will be shown and popularized in spite of them. They are powerless over me. Three doesn't always have the power.

The picture is called Life Cycle and it is one of the works I have included. You see the same scene from three angles with the newly born planet, middle age, and finally the death throes as the sun goes nova all on the background of a stellar nursery which is made up of the material that had come from stars that have gone nova and died. From death comes rebirth.

The real counter is 4598.

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