Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sneaking Up

"Live your own life. That is to say, where you are, with what you are, and with who you are." Swami Prajmampad

"It doesn't matter whether you are a theist or atheist, what matters is sincerity, forgiveness, and compassion." Dalai Lama

I think Spring may be trying to sneak up on us. At least it looks that way but of course this is the Midwest and the temperatures can change in minutes and we could get more snow. I would like some warm weather so I can go out walking again. I would like to get some pictures of Spring to go with my Fall picture collection.

I like the two quotes on my calendars today. Too often people are so busy pretending to be someone they are not and the only person they are fooling is themselves. We are each unique individuals and we need to find out who we are and what are talents are. The core of who I am never changes. I think we all tend to put on masks in life. I know I have my Customer Service mask when I am at work. It is a certain mind set needed to get the job done right. The first rule is the customer is always right. When the customer is wrong see rule one. My job is to take care of the customer the best way I can without giving away the store. I think the thing that irritates me the most about the person who is supposed to be helping me out while I am doing special projects is that she isn't doing the best job she can. She assumes she knows but she doesn't take the time to find out. There is a very good reason why the word ass is in assume because people who assume make an ass out of themselves.

I like the quote by Dalai Lama because I have had to deal with several atheists in my life. On the whole my experience has not been good with them because the ones I have dealt with have thrown the morality out with the belief in God. I am sure that their are some atheists out there who do show forgiveness and compassion I just haven't met them yet. It doesn't matter whether you believe in God or not that is up to you however you still have an obligation to treat your fellow human beings in a decent manner. Morality is not just the providence of religion it is supposed to be part of the core of what makes us humans and not just animals who walk on two legs.

The picture is called Masquerade because we do wear masks when we have to but it doesn't change who we are. Behind the business like Customer Service Rep is a free spirited artist and writer.

The real counter is 4537

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