Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Welcome to Wednesday

"Our contribution to the progress of the world must, therefore, consist in setting our own house in order." Mahatma Gandhi

"It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. Science and technology have worked wonders in many fields, but the basic human problems remain." Dalai Lama

There is a new report being readied on global warming that warns of dire consequences for the world especially in Asia and Africa if we don't get our collective acts together.

In a world where the most hard hit nations are the ones in Africa and Asia we need to do more to help out. Africa is being decimated by AIDS and Asia is following in their tragic footsteps. It is easy to sit in our comfortable homes far away from the ravages of this disease and poverty and decide that it is someone else's problem. It doesn't affect our lives so why should we care.

If man would stop looking on their fellow man as being different then themselves and start looking at our fellow man as the same as ourselves we could make more headway in the area of compassion. We are all part of the human race no matter what our differences are in terms of race, religion, sex, sexual persuasion, color, creed, politics, etc. We are all made in God's image and we need to remember that. It is time to stop polarizing the world and start uniting to solve the crisis that we are facing.

One place where we can start is D.A.T.A. ( that Bono from U2 promotes every chance he gets. It is a way where we can help our fellow human beings. That is the real purpose of life after all to help others as we make this strange, fascinating and sometimes scary journey through life. It is so much easier to do if you are with others.

The picture is called Field of Dreams and let us make today a day to help others achieve their dreams.

The real counter is 4604.

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